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West Virginia Women Writers: Zoe Ferraris

In the Collection

State Library Services

State Library Services
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Culture Center, Building 9
Charleston, WV 25305

Phone: (304) 558-2045

Zoe Farraris (1972 - ) Huntington, Cabell County

An American author, who married a man from Saudi Arabia and lived there for several years before returning to the United States. She lived with her parents in West Virginia for seven years, while she attended Marshall University and began writing her first novel, Finding Nouf.

Her books feature a devoutly Muslim sleuth living in a contemporary Islamic state.


Finding Nouf. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.

City of Veils. New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2010.

Kingdom of Strangers.  New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2012.

The Galaxy Pirates: Hunt for the Pyxis. Crown Books for Young Readers., 2015



2004  --  Included on the West Virginia Literary Map, From A Place Called Solid: West Virginia and its Writers, from the West Virginia Folk Life Center at Fairmont State University

West Virginia Library Commission
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