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West Virginia Women Writers: Meredith Sue Willis

In the Collection

State Library Services

State Library Services
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.
Culture Center, Building 9
Charleston, WV 25305

Phone: (304) 558-2045

Meredith Sue Willis (1946 - ) Shinnston, Harrison County

Meredith Sue Willis was born in Shinniston, WV. Even though she currently lives in New Jersey, the West Virginia coal town is the one she calls home. Memories and observations from her life in West Virginia are recycled in her stories, books, and poems. Willis’ father, a teacher, worked in the Shinnston mines between college semesters while he was a student at Fairmont State College and West Virginia University. Her mother is a coal miner’s daughter, college graduate, and educator too.

Writing and teaching are large components of Willis’ life. She carries titles like “writer-in-the- schools,” “adjunct faculty member,” “author,” “writing workshop presenter,” “teacher” and “course designer”. Her website discusses spiritual and ethical issues along with literary ones. On her website, Willis provides how to write advice and literary discussions.

Willis has participated in antiwar and civil rights demonstrations along with conducting writing workshops with teachers, students, and aspiring writers. 


A Space Apart (1979, 2005)
Higher Ground (1981, 1998)
Only Great Changes (1985, 1998)
Trespassers (1997)
Oradell at Sea (2002)
The City Built of Starships (2005)

The Secret Super Powers of Marco (1994. 1995. 2001)
Marco's Monster (1996, 2001)
Billie of Fish House Lane (2006).

In the Mountains of America (1994)
Dwight's House and Other Stories (2004)
Out of the Mountains (2010)
Re-Visions: Stories from Stories (2011)

Personal Fiction Writing: A Guide to Writing from Real Life for Teachers, Students, and Writers (2000 & 1984)
Blazing Pencils: A Guide to Writing Fiction and Essays (1990)
Deep Revision: A Guide for Teachers, Students, and Other Writers (1993)
Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel (2010)

Articles about Willis

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041