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Bibliostat Collect: Q & A

Bibliostat Collect is the reporting tool used to collect data for the Public Libraries Survey each fiscal year.

Q & A

1.  Where do I report reference transactions that occur on my bookmobiles?  For the purposes of the Bibliostat Collect survey tool, we ask that you report information about Bookmobiles in the General Information (1) and Services (4) sections.  We specifically ask for the Number of Bookmobiles (1.16-Main and 1.38-Outlet Information), and in section 4:  Annual Bookmobile Attendance, Annual Bookmobile Circulation, Hours per Week Bookmobile Open to Public and the Number of Weeks Bookmobile is Open per Year.  At this time, there is not a separate question asking for reference transactions for bookmobiles.  This may change in the future.

2. I received a  grant from my county.  We didn't get the check until after July 1, 2023 (FY2024), but we already expended the money.  Do I report the grant on the 2023 survey? DO report the expenditures (if they were made in FY 2023) in the FY2023 report. You will have to remember to report the revenues in the FY 2024 report.

3. Am I allowed to count materials used in-house under 4.3 Circulation of All Materials?  The definition for Circulation of All Materials states:  The total annual circulation of all physical library materials of all types, including renewals. Note: Count all physical materials in all formats that are charged out for use outside the library. Interlibrary loan transactions included are only items borrowed for users. Do not include items checked out to another library. Materials must be "charged out for use outside the library" so you cannot report in-house use for the purposes of the Bibliostat Collect survey.  Remember that the information you supply through Bibliostat Collect is reported to the Public Library Survey (PLS).  More information about the PLS is found here.  Your answers must match the criteria set forth by the federal government for the purposes of this survey.

4.  My library issues library cards for another geographic location.  For 1.17 Registered User-SYSTEM, which number count do I report?  For this question you use the count generated for the home library, not the geographic library.  The definition supplies tips for maintaining records: 

  • A registered user is a library user who has applied for and received an identification number or card from the public library that has established conditions under which the user may borrow library materials or gain access to other library resources. (Output Measures for Public Libraries, 2nd edition).  Note: Files should have been purged within the past three (3) years.

5.  What are the reporting dates for the survey?  The information you supply for the 2023 Bibliostat Collect survey comes from the information you have for July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.  The Roster of Library Board Trustees (#6.1 - 6.12) is the only section that has to be pulled from the current fiscal year.  For the 2023 Bibliostat Collect survey, you would report the board of trustee members as of July 1, 2023. 

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041