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Bibliostat Collect: Tips and Information

Bibliostat Collect is the reporting tool used to collect data for the Public Libraries Survey each fiscal year.

Webinars Scheduled

Bibliostat Collect Refresher webinars are designed for the new or experienced directors on the basic use of Bibliostat Collect. 

TBA soon



Helpful Information

  • You can show last year's answers above this year's entry box by clicking on "Show Last Year's Answers".
  • View the definitions for particular questions by clicking on the question mark to the right of the data element.  A new box will open with the definition.
  • Click on the flag beside any question you want to return to later.  When you are ready, click on the "Status" page and you can view all "Flagged Questions" at once and update.
  • Grayed out boxes indicate answers that you cannot change.  If the gray box is empty, information will be added after you have submitted your survey.
  • Boxes for questions that automatically calculate answers are also gray.  The text is maroon in these questions as a visual clue.
  • Save each page as you complete entries. "Prev" and "Next" within the survey will also act as a save button if you forget to manually click "Save". Do NOT use the browser back button.
  • Use the note at the end of the question to enter any important information about your answers, especially if there is a big difference from last year's answer compared to this year's answer.
  • All questions must be completed and all edit checks resolved before you can submit the survey.  A checklist is provided when you click on the "Status" prompt on any page in your survey.

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041