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Bibliostat Collect: Survey

Bibliostat Collect is the reporting tool used to collect data for the Public Libraries Survey each fiscal year.


Usernames and passwords stay the same from year to year and are unique to each library.  If you do not have or don't remember your username and password, contact Library Section Director Donna Calvert for that information.

Current Surveys

Each time you return to survey, you must click "Continue".  A new set of options will appear:

Located on the left-hand side: 

  • Survey Navigation Panel Navigate through the survey utilizing the options

Located along the top of the survey page: 

  • Show Status Review Unanswered Questions, Edit Checks, and Flagged Questions, as well as an option to Submit survey
  • Printer Icon Options for printing entire survey or specific sections of surveys; also saving functions
  • Submit Click "Submit" on any page of the survey once you have completed all questions and satisfied all edit checks
  • Prev Navigate to the previous page in the survey; also located at the bottom of each page
  • Next Navigate to the next page in the survey; also located at the bottom of each page
  • Save Click "Save" after making changes and before navigating to the next page; also located at the bottom of each page

Homepage (Survey List)

Once you have logged in, you will land on the Homepage. You will see a list of Current Surveys as well as Other (Past) Surveys. 

  • Continue Survey Click here to continue survey

The following options appear on each page of the website:

  • Help User's Manual; opens in new window
  • Contact Provides a phone number for contacting Product Support for technical difficulties only
  • Log Off Logs off of your session
  • Survey List  Takes you back to the homepage
  • FAQ: Frequent Questions Takes you to a list of frequently asked questions about using the survey tools
  • Instructions Details, instructions, and definitions for completing the survey

Entering Data Elements

Enter data elements into the corresponding box.  You can tab to the next field or move your cursor into the appropriate box and click.

Click "Save" at the top or bottom of each page before going on to the next section.

Use "Survey Navigation" to skip around to different sections of the survey.

"Log Off" after each session.

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041