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Bibliostat Collect: Home

Bibliostat Collect is the reporting tool used to collect data for the Public Libraries Survey each fiscal year.


The information collected in Bibliostat has 3 purposes:

To determine whether or not the library meets requirements for receiving Grants-in-Aid (see Title 173-1-3),

To collect information for the Institute of Museum and Library Services national annual survey, and

To provide statistical information that helps West Virginia legislators understand the importance of libraries, enable the WVLC to track data, provide library directors with information they need to better administer their libraries, and provide the general public with library statistics.


Important Dates

FY2023 Survey opening July 1, 2023

Survey Opens

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Survey Closes

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Shirley Smith Award

Submit by Friday, July 28, 2023, to be eligible

Webinar Training Sessions


Sneak Peek Emails

See "Sneak Peek" tab for information.

User Manual


Profile Photo
Amanda Proper
1900 Kanawha Blvd E
Charleston, WV 25305
304-558-2045 x 2069

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041