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Development Plan: Guidelines

WVLC Recommended Guideline

The New Planning for Results:  A Streamlined Approach by Sandra Nelson

Each public library in West Virginia should have a copy.  If you cannot locate your copy, please contact Library Section Director for more information.  The revised edition, Strategic Planning for Results, is also available from the West Virginia State Library.

Recommended sections

Here are the recommended sections to include in your plan:

  • Prepare a cover sheet, including name of library and dates the plan covers.
  • For plans longer than ten (10) pages, a table of contents should be included.
  • An executive summary, or one-page synopsis of the plan, highlighting the library's plan priorities will give readers a good idea of the document's contents.
  • The introduction should include how the planning process was conducted, as well as the name and group association of each of the committee members.
  • A brief summary of the community needs your plan addresses should be provided; this can also be included in the introduction
  • Include your library's mission statement.  If you don't already have one prepared, it is a good idea to prepare one during this process.
  • All goals and objectives should be listed, in the order you determine.
  • You may include selected activities in order to highlight new or interesting services that you plan to offer.

Nelson, Sandra.  (2001).  The new planning for results:  a streamlined approach.  Chicago, IL:  American Library Association.



  1. Secure board approval for your development plan.  It is a good idea to indicate the date approved/adpoted on your development plan title page or in the introduction.
  2. Your development plan should be typed and submitted electronically to the West Virginia Library Commission. 
  3. Be sure to include the name of the library and the dates the development plan covers on the title page.  It is suggested that you include the name of the library and plan coverage dates as a header or footer on the document, as well. 
  4. Use an easy-to-read font and have someone else proof-read the final draft for clerical errors.
  5. Keep your plan handy and refer to it often!  This also makes it available for questions that arise from the board or community.

West Virginia Library Commission
1900 Kanawha Blvd East | Culture Center, Bldg. 9 | Charleston, WV 25305
In-State Toll Free : (800) 642-9021 | (304) 558-2041